Our Services.

SBA Design offer clients a 'one stop shop' for their projects, allowing them to establish financial and practical viability early on in the process. We pride ourselves on making things as straightforward as possible.


The sheer scale of repeat business we are awarded is testament to the quality of our work.

Our knowledge and expertise mean clients trust us to get on and deliver their vision, not having to spoon feed us along the way. Clients benefit from direct liaison between the design studio and the developer, making it a much simpler and more importantly a stress-free process.

Architectural Design.

SBA Design provide clients with varying design ideas to suit the local vernacula. We ensure to realise clients aspirations which will appease the local authority, giving plans the best possible chance of approval.


We advise and support clients through every stage, from the opportunities and constraints of a site, right through to detailed working drawings. One off sites typically provide varying challenges, however with our experience with volume house building, we take a sensible approach to design and construction. We create designs distinctive in character which remain comfortable in the surrounding environment.


Our experience with both volume housebuilders and homeowners combined with our history of approvals allow us to successfully win work in this field.


Our services in this area vary greatly; We can assist individual homeowners with one-off plots, or provide full detailed and co-ordinated planning applications for some of the largest housing developers in the UK.

Technical Design.

As a residential practice, our technical designs are predominantly housing developer packages. We deliver accurate and co-ordinated working drawing packages which allow our clients to hand over to site avoiding any delays.


Our main workload is providing these services to several housing developers, successfully winning repeat business time and time again.

Whether it’s a single plot, or a site of over 500 houses, we are well known for providing accurate, fully co-ordinated projects that we act as lead consultant for, completing projects on time and on budget.

Get in touch.

It all begins with an idea. To discuss a project or find out more about how we can work together, please get in touch.